Hey everyone -- I have a treat for you! My very first author interview -- with YA author TJ Green - author of the Arthurian Legend books: Tom's Inheritance, Twice Born, and Galatine's Curse. I've read all three and each is progressively more entertaining . . . Trust me on this . . .
So, without further ado:
Tell us more about yourself!
I live with my partner and my two cats in New Zealand, in a beautiful valley called Pinehaven, just outside Wellington. I’m originally from England but moved out here 12 years ago. I love reading, gardening, yoga, and sci-fi films, well all films really, and travelling, especially Asia. My day job is nursing and I work in disease control for public health. One day I’ll write full time - I hope!
What was the spark of inspiration for your series of books?
I challenged myself to write a short story beginning “Once Upon a time”, and that became Jack’s Encounter, a short story about how Jack met the Fae. In that story I mention Jack’s grandson Tom, and I wondered what would happen next. That led to Tom’s Inheritance, the first book in my series Tom’s Arthurian Legacy. The King Arthur story line came later. The original short story was condensed and became the prologue of the first book. Book 2 was a natural progression. I wanted to explore more of the King Arthur characters, and I love Nimue and Merlin. And then book 3 was all about growing the story again. Tom matures, so does his cousin, and they really grow into their new world and that means new challenges.
How often do you sit down and write?
At least 5 days of the week - most evenings after work and all day Sunday. The more often I write, the better the story flows.
What would be your favorite thing about your writing?
Creating a new story. I love the way the characters start taking over and the story unfolds in unexpected ways. And I love editing!
What would you consider to be your least favorite thing about your writing?
When I’m a bit directionless and things stop flowing. I write freehand instead in my notebooks, and do research. At the moment I’m sort of making my own grimoire by making witchcraft notes for my new series!
What else do you have planned?
My new series is titled the White Haven Witches, and is about a group of witches in a small seaside town called White Haven - surprise! They come from a long generation of witches and all practise magic, but they soon find they have a legacy of much stronger magic when they learn there are hidden family grimoires. The trouble is, someone else wants them too. This is an adult series, unlike Tom’s Arthurian Legacy which is teen/young adult. Having said that, readers of my Tom series range from 10 years old to 75 years!
I’m also going to write a fourth Tom book, later this year probably, and I have some short story spin offs you can get for free by subscribing to my newsletter. And I’m very excited because Tom’s Inheritance will be available in audio very soon.
Where do you find your inspiration?
Good question! I’ve always been interested in magic and witches, stories of the Other, the supernatural and mystery, so I guess it’s natural I want to write my own versions.
What do you do when you don't feel inspired, but you do have to get your word count in?
I just sit at the computer and make myself write regardless. Some days are slower than others, but even if I only write a few hundred words, it’s better than nothing.
Where can we find you online?
I’m all over the place, but I post most frequently on Facebook, and I love Pinterest. I have boards for all my books.
Website: http://www.tjgreen.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tjgreenauthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tjay_green
Pinterest: https://nz.pinterest.com/Mount0live/boards/
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/T-J-Green/e/B01D7V8LJK/
Contact: tjgreennz@gmail.com
Anything else you'd like to share?
Just that if anyone would like to get regular updates about my writing and free copies of short stories, you can subscribe to my newsletter by going to my website. http://www.tjgreen.nz
Well . . . there you go!
If you haven't read any of her books, you won't be disappointed -- they're awesome!
Until next time!